There are numerous communication situations where the services of an interpreter are required. Let’s imagine you have a top business meeting with your associates. They do not speak your language but need to fully understand you to achieve a perfect launch of your new product line. T&I Language Solutions brings you the interpreting solutions perfectly adapted to your needs. We offer interpreting services for both the private and public sectors, but also to individuals (e.g. in a one-on-on meeting with a physician). Our qualified and trained interpreters deliver high-quality services. They provide interpretation services in their mother tongue only. Our interpreting services include interpretation into French and interpretation into English.
Consecutive Interpretation
Consecutive interpreting is our solution for one-on-oned or small group meetings.
Simultaneous Interpretation
Simultaneous interpreting is our solution for large meetings and conferences requiring two or more languages.
Conference and Online Services
Business analysis is a research discipline of identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems.